Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Well, here we are nearly two weeks into Bob's retirement! It is zooming by. There is alot of adjusting to do and we are working on that. Moving in to the RV and retirement so close together has made for some interesting days and nights, to say the least. Our biggest hurdle is remembering where we stowed certain items. We spend considerable time just looking for things especially now that we are getting ready to ride to Milwaukee.

Campground life is like any other little community. Most people are very friendly and happy to share their experiences full-timing in an RV. And everyone has their own take on how to decide where your state of residence should be! Ultimately, everyone has to decide what is best for their situation as there are alot of factors to consider. When we have made our decision I will report back.

One fun thing here at Blowing Springs is Happy Hour! At 4:30 every afternoon, we meet at the pavilion for fellowship and libations. So far, Bob has attended on a regular basis! I know you all are surprised at that.......

Our next big hurdle to clear will be weighing the rig before we get on the road to Georgia. Every RV has a maximum gross vehicle weight rating. To be safe you should pay attention to this! Since we have loaded our "stuff" in here, we have no idea what we weigh fully loaded with the Harleys, water, etc. We will be taking the rig to be weighed at a truck stop in a few weeks. In my mind, I have this picture of things being flung out the doors and windows when we discover we are too heavy! Hopefully, we won't need to do that. If we filled up all the storage that we have in here, we certainly would be over and that is hard not to do. Maybe we'll be way under and I can get some "stuff" out of storage but I doubt it.

I'll report on our trip to Milwaukee when we get back after Labor Day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bob & Dev,

It's good to see that you're out here in the "blogosphere". I have yet to start my own.

Congratulations on finally starting your retirement. I know it was a long time coming. The RVing is something that Keri and I hope to do many years from now.

As you travel around, post some pictures. There are several free services like Flikr and Picasa.

Take care and I'll check in from time to time...Eric L